MOVAO Bariatric


MOVAO is specifically designed for the low-functioning patient who is incapable of supporting full body weight for pre-ambulation strength training.  (1-3/5 MMT)


  • Hoyer-accessible base
  • 30 inch wide cushions and a 550 pound weight capacity.
  • New PBC Linear glides on stainless steel rails for frictionless and effortless gliding during squats.
  • Column lifts for hi/lo of 35 inches to 19 inches.
  • Proprietary dual force plates with visual biofeedback for isometric peak muscle force testing and optimal intensity dosage, which is customized to the patient's peak force test.
  • New carriage locking design with a turn of a handle from either side of MOVAO that allows a fixed carriage at every centimeter of the 4 foot linear travel.
  • New ROM limit bar accessible from either side of MOVAO to limit squat depth.
  • New elastic loading option for increased resistance at the top end of the leg press movement.
  • 6" casters for ease of steering and superior maneuverability in hallways.
  • Drop-arm safety siderails that tuck under the seat for zero gap during lateral transfers from the hospital bed.
  • Electric head of carriage for improved respiration and view of LED display of visual biofeedback.
  • Electric dual footplates with 5-degree dorsiflexion for heelcord stretching to flat for unilateral exercise with the leg lifter.
  • Provides resistance from 1% to 80% body weight for graded progressive resistance and bridging the gap from bedrest to safely standing again.


Optional Interactive Gaming

Unilateral Exercise for Forced Use

Dual Force Plates for Visual Feedback